Midwest Field Station located on second floor of this old Bank Building


Midwest Field Station located on second floor of this old Bank Building


Below is the full program:

Day 1
0900 - 0920 Registration
0920 - 0930 Opening Remarks
0930 - 1030 Keynote 1 Jytte Bang & Sofie Pedersen Revisiting the work of Roger Barker and the Midwest psychological field station
1030 - 1050 Coffee
1050 - 1145 Talks 1 Critically examining the principles
Ed Baggs Do We Perceive Behavior Settings?
Miranda Lucas Behavior Settings on a Continuum
Marek McGann Orienting Psychological Science
1145 - 1230 Introductions and Themed Discussions 1
1230 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1500 Keynote 2 Harry Heft What Are Behavior Settings? Foundational Issues and a Reconsideration of Barker’s Behavior Setting Theory 40 years later
1500 - 1600 Talks 2 Broadening our perspective
Gui Sanchez de Oliviera The Lab as a Behavior Setting
Anne Jones Social Factors Structuring Motor Variability and Playground Use
Giuseppe Flavio Artese Behavior Settings and Orders of Existence: Towards a complete analysis of the socio-cultural environment
Cillian McHugh Exploring Agent-Based Modelling as a Method of Advancing Behavior Setting Theory
1600 - 1630 Coffee
1630 - 1730 Themed Discussions 2
1900 - Dinner


Day 2
0930 - 1030 Keynote 3 Louise Barrett Extended Explorations in Ecological Psychology
1030 - 1050 Coffee
1050 - 1130 Talks 3 Beyond Places
Miguel Segundo-Ortin Agency in Behavior Settings: A Mindshaping Perspective on Ecological Psychology
Jelle Bruineberg Digitally-Mediated Behavior Settings
Konrad Zielinski, Joanna Komorowska-Mach & Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi Revisiting research on laryngectomy: Situated interactivity analysis
1130 - 1230 Themed Discussions 3
1230 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1500 Keynote 4 Ludger van Dijk Direct Imagination
1500 - 1600 Themed Discussions 4
1600 - 1630 Coffee
1630 - 1730 General discussion and conclusion